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Developing your Organization & IT Strategy


This is a very high level and informational workshop in developing long term and short term strategies for your organization. It includes an overview of a suggested framework to develop your IT strategy and a practical implementation of the framework to develop an Information Security Architecture. It’s a very high level introduction to IT Consultancy in general and Information Security Specifically. The workshop will provide an overview of the following:

  1. A framework to develop your organization long term and short term strategies. The framework includes defining the major components of a strategy and how to plan the execution of your strategies.
  2. A framework to develop your individual IT Strategy for: Applications, Network, Server farm and Information Security. The framework includes defining the major components of an individual IT strategy including gathering the business requirements, identifying the Technology Trends and blending it all together to produce an IT strategy to meet the business strategy in step 1.
  3. Implement the framework in step 1 & 2 to specifically develop an Information Security Architecture & Road Map.


  • Business Managers or executives responsible for developing, planning an organization long term and short term strategies for their organization
  • IT managers responsible for planning, developing key strategies to support the business strategies with IT solutions.
  • Information security managers or equivalent, responsible for planning and promoting information security
  • business managers responsible for running critical business applications and managing end user environments
  • IT audit managers responsible for conducting security audits of particular environments


Al-Huda University will award a “Certificate of Attendance” upon successful completion.


The class will be conducted on campus. Please visit our Events Calendar for availability and schedule.

1902 Baker Road, Katy, Tx 77094


Developing your Organization & IT Strategy – Sample Material


Effective Writing

Developing your Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Plan


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