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Course Description:

This course is an introduction to the Arabic language. It covers basic Arabic reading and writing. Topics include the Arabic alphabets, consonants, vowels, and phonics. Fundamentals on the dotting system, vowel signs, and other diacritics will also be covered in this course.


Course Code: ASL101

Credit hours: 3

Pre-Requisites: None

Learning Objectives:

  • Master the Arabic alphabet and sound system, be able to distinguish and pronounce all Arabic letter sounds, and write them accurately from dictation.
  • Differentiate through reading and writing, between the different types of letters in the Arabic alphabet: Single letters, Dual letters, Separate letters, Vowel letters, Double vowel letters, Small vowel letters, Long vowel letters, Non vowel letters, Double letters (stressed)
  • Expand Arabic vocabulary of more than 100 basic and active words, and be able to use them in simple sentences orally and written, using basic functional grammatical patterns and functions.
  • Write a simple paragraph about themselves.
  • Engage in simple dialogue by initiating a social interaction: greeting, introduce themselves, ask and answer 2-3 simple questions.
  • Note some of the basic differences between formal and spoken Arabic.
  • Read the Quran with an improved understanding and appreciation of its meaning.

Course Outline:

  • Single letters
  • Dual letters
  • Separate letters
  • Vowel-ed letters
  • Double vowel-ed letters
  • Small vowel-ed letters
  • Long vowel-ed letters
  • Non vowel-ed letters
  • Double letters (stressed)