Only one Academic Excellence Scholarship will be issued per semester on a first come, first served basis.
To apply:
- Must be a degree seeking student
- Must be enrolled in GC for more than one semester—continuously
- Must have a 3.75 GPA
- May not have any Incompletes
- If you have any questions, please contact
To maintain Academic Excellence Scholarship:
- Must be continuously enrolled no semesters may be skipped
- Must have a 3.75 GPA
- Must be enrolled in at least two courses per semester
- Failure to maintain requirements will result in one semester suspension, students will then have to pay for the semester. Student will have to reapply for the scholarship-one per semester then goes into effect.
Current Students will be given the Summer Semester to show proof of compliance.
- Note: Taking a semester break will result in the loss of scholarship and students will then need to reapply
- Click on the link below
- Use your credentials to login to your Sycamore Campus portal
- On the Homepage, under the News tab, find the Academic Excellence Scholarship Application
- If you have any questions, please contact