Only one Academic Excellence Scholarship will be issued per semester on a first come, first served basis.

To apply:

  1. Must be a degree seeking student
  2. Must be enrolled in GC for more than one semester—continuously
  3. Must have a 3.75 GPA
  4. May not have any Incompletes
  5. If you have any questions, please contact

To maintain Academic Excellence Scholarship:

  • Must be continuously enrolled no semesters may be skipped
  • Must have a 3.75 GPA
  • Must be enrolled in at least two courses per semester
  • Failure to maintain requirements will result in one semester suspension, students will then have to pay for the semester. Student will have to reapply for the scholarship-one per semester then goes into effect.

Current Students will be given the Summer Semester to show proof of compliance.

  • Note: Taking a semester break will result in the loss of scholarship and students will then need to reapply



  1. Click on the link below
  2. Use your credentials to login to your Sycamore Campus portal
  3. On the Homepage, under the News tab, find the Academic Excellence Scholarship Application
  4. If you have any questions, please contact