[ivory-search id="29309" title="Default Search Form"]


Students requesting a grade of Incomplete (temporary “I” grade) must understand that incomplete grades may be given only with the approval of the faculty member involved. An “I” grade may be assigned only when a student has completed a minimum 75% portion of course requirements and has a passing grade, and can only be granted in situations involving grave circumstances such as: extended illness, serious injury, death in the family, employment, or government reassignment. Student neglect for completing a minimum 75% portion of course requirements is not such a case.

The student must first obtain the Incomplete Grade Agreement request form from the Student Services & Development Office and complete student identification, course name and number, and reason for the request.

Students are then responsible for contacting the course instructor prior to the last week of the class so that the student receives written instructions about what is required for completing the course, receiving a final grade, and the six-week deadline date for completing the work. An “I” can only be removed after completing the course requirements requested for receiving the Incomplete Grade as determined by the course professor, Not meeting the deadline date means that the “I” grade will become a “F” final course grade.

After the form has been fully completed, the form is then submitted to the Chief Student Services & Development Administrator for tracking and requirements purposes.

Once the agreed-on terms are met per the Incomplete Grade Agreement request form, the instructor must submit in writing to the Chief Student Services & Development Administrator a request for a grade change. After receiving the written request, the Learning Management Facilitator will unlock the student’s grade on the instructor’s Sycamore Campus account so that the new grades are updated with a possible revised final course grade.

The Chief Student Services & Development Administrator and IE are copied on this correspondence for accreditation and record purposes and other ancillary matters.