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Guidance College students are responsible for reading the academic regulations and observing the procedures that govern his or her relationship with Guidance College.

Admission for Non-degree Students

Non-degree enrollment status for students is designed for students who do not wish to pursue a degree. Credits earned as a non-degree undergraduate student may be used to satisfy degree requirements upon admission as a degree-seeking student. Non-degree students seeking a change in their status may do so by requesting the change from the student affairs department at studentaffairs@guidancecollege.org.

Credit Transfer

Guidance College accepts up to 50% of a program’s course requirements toward an Associate’s, Bachelor’s, or Master’s degree that has been completed at any officially registered or accredited higher education institution. Students must complete a Credit Transfer Form. 

Credit By Exam

Only degree-seeking students from the Associate’s or Bachelor’s program may apply for Credit by Exam in the freshman courses only. Comprehension may be due to self-study or informal study with a scholar. Credits will be granted upon passing the evaluation test.


Only degree-seeking students who have completed at least one (1) semester are allowed to apply for Income-Based Scholarship and must be financially eligible. The Academic Excellence Scholarship is for degree-seeking students who excel in their academic work and maintain a 3.75 GPA. Students admitted to Guidance College through a memorandum of understanding with the organization they are affiliated with are excluded from this policy. Their tuition fees are determined based on the signed agreement.

Adding and Dropping Courses

Students may add courses through the first two weeks of each semester, depending on the nature of the course and the availability of space.  A student may drop courses without responsibility for grades through the end of the fifth week of the semester.  Starting from the sixth week of each semester, courses may not be dropped.  Courses properly dropped do not appear on the student’s transcript.


If a student withdraws from a class between the third and fifth week, one-third (1/3) of the tuition is due.  After the beginning of the sixth week, the full amount is due.

Withdrawal from Individual Courses

Students who withdraw from a course from the sixth week through the tenth week will receive a grade of (W). From the eleventh week on, students are expected to complete the course(s) attempted and will receive the appropriate letter grade (A, B, C, D, F, or Audit) for all courses in which they are enrolled.  Although a grade of (W) does not affect a student’s GPA; future endeavors might be affected by too many grades of (W).


Students are allowed a maximum of four (4) absences with a maximum of two (2) unexcused absences.  Students who exceed four (4) absences are subject to being dropped from the course.


Students with complaints regarding an academic grade should appeal first to the instructor. If further resolution is needed, the student should contact the Chief Academic Administrator. If the situation is not resolved to the student’s satisfaction, the student may fill out a Complaint Form by logging into Sycamore Campus.

Honesty in Academic Work

When there is evidence of academic dishonesty, the instructor will (a) document the incident, (b) permit the accused student to provide an explanation, (c) report to the Chief Academic Administrator. In consultation with the instructor, the Chief Academic Administrator may impose any academic penalty of a grade of (F), suspension, or in some cases expulsion.