guidance college
Student PortalImportant contacts
Sycamore Questions: Contact Sr. Safa at (for registered students only)
Financial Questions: Contact Sr. Fatima at
Grade and Course Questions: Contact Your Professor(s)
Other Questions: Contact Sr. Jordan at
Please Note: Email is the official mode of communication. Faculty members and administrators will not respond to text messages.
Quick Info
Enrollment is now open! You can learn more about which courses are being offered and also apply here.
College Catalog
The Guidance College Catalog is the official publication of record regarding courses offered and degree and certificate program outlines and requirements.
Academic Advising
However, if you feel that you need more assistance, Academic Advising is here to help you. Please contact or call 832-517-2988.
Transcript Request
Get started here by ordering your official transcript online.
Become a Student Liaison
Student Liaison Form
Virtual Tour: Learn More About Guidance College
imam positions – job openings
Are you Guidance College graduate looking for a job that best suits your knowledge and skillset? Mosques around the United States are looking for Imams.
Careers at Guideance College
Important information
Click here to view the rubric and read Dr. Wilson’s explanation
Click here to view the Academic Calendar for Guidance College.
Guidance College’s Mission
The mission of Guidance College is to educate a diverse student population in Islamic knowledge, to prepare graduates to think critically and ethically so that their contributions to society are maximized. Click here to read more about Guidance College.
Graduating Student Spotlight: Rima Talib
A Dream Come True
My name is Rima Talib, and I am extremely grateful to say that Alhamdulillah, Allah (SWT) has blessed me to recently graduate from Guidance College. I was able to graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree in Islamic Studies, and I could not have achieved this life-changing accomplishment without the Tawfeeq from Allah (SWT) and the help of our dedicated faculty at Guidance College. Our amazing professors have diligently structured their classes in such a way that I was able to optimize the useful knowledge I gained. I have been able to take the information provided to me and implement it into my life to live the true Islamic way that Allah (SWT) intended for us to live.
My experience at Guidance College can be summed up in one word: incredible. Guidance College has given me countless opportunities to improve my skills in the field of my choice, and it has also allowed me to gain endless knowledge about my Deen to strengthen my relationship with Allah (swt). The variety of religious classes I was able to take has enriched my life in many ways. These classes have provided me with the necessary tools I need to enhance my understanding of the things I consider to be crucial in life. In addition, they have also allowed me to build important skills in my ability to critically think and ask questions in many situations, especially in the Fiqh classes.
It is an honor to be a graduate of Guidance College, and I will continue to appreciate the time I spent here. I would like to express my gratitude to all the faculty for their professional communication throughout my years of study. May Allah (SWT) reward them all immensely in this Dunia and Hereafter.
Jazakum Allah Khairan
Students’ stories: Kevin Warren
Student Spotlight: Kevin Warren
Brother Kevin is currently pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Islamic Studies. This will be Brother Kevin’s second degree as he holds a Bachelor’s in Accounting and is a Certified Management Accountant. Born in Kentucky where he spent his childhood, Brother Kevin has resided in Texas for the past two years. Shortly after moving to San Antonio Brother Kevin reverted to Islam.
Brother Kevin shares his experience of recently converting to Islam and then experiencing the pandemic as a new Muslim.
January 11, 2025
New Student Orientation
January 12, 2025
Spring 2025 Semester begins
January 17, 2025
Late Admission & Registration Closed
January 20, 2025
MLK (Recognized, but College will not be closed)
January 27, 2025
Last day to drop classes for Full Refund
Student facebook group
Join Guidance College’s student Facebook group and interact with other students!
Accepting Applications for Student Liaison
Please contact Admissions for more information or to apply.