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Course Description

This course goes over the advanced Arabic language. Students will be introduced to the method of root morphology. This involves deriving the root of any Arabic word which can then be customized to fit the past tense,  present tense, and command form. In addition, we will learn the pronouns that fit the first person, second person, and third person narratives, as well as the impact of the case ending on the meaning of a word.

For example: The word “The Messenger” in Arabic can have different case endings which can drastically change the meaning of the sentence (i.e. الرسولِ الرسولَ الرسولُ). We will also compare the underlying concept of the adjective in the Arabic language versus English.

Finally, we will learn how to properly enumerate and quantify objects depending on their masculine and feminine forms, like the number seven used here in two different verses:( إني أرى سَبْعَ بقرات )  and( لها سبعةُ أبواب ).

Course Code: ASL303

Credit hours: 3

Pre-Requisites: ASL102

Learning Objectives:

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Understand the different kinds of Arabic words, its categories and sub-categories. For example, they will learn that the verb is classified into past, present, future, and command. They will learn how to change the form of the verb from one form to another.
  • Put vowels on Arabic texts that do not have any vowels.
  • Use Arabic pronouns to make complete Arabic sentences.
  • Engage in dialogue to initiate social interactions, ask for basic information and say a few lines about themselves.
  • Use Arabic grammar to improve writing and conversation.
  • Understand and appreciate how the verses of the Quran are written.
  • Develop critical thinking skills applicable to the use of the Arabic language.
  • Comprehend simple written texts on familiar topics.
  • Comprehend simple audio/video texts on familiar topics.

Important Note: Passing the oral test is a must for passing this course.