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Car donations are turned into much-needed funds to:


1. Establish a new Al-Huda Islamic Center
2. Support new Muslims with much needed educational resources
3. Increase awareness by providing information, access to news and stories, and an interactive forum for Muslims and non-Muslims.


Please look into your heart and give what you are able to so that the study of Islam can continue to be passed from one generation to the next, InshaAllah.


More Car Donation Info

  1. It's hassle-free. Much easier than fixing, advertising, and selling your car.
  2. You will be eligible for a tax deduction.
  3. Even a 'clunker' is worth something - You don't need to pay someone to tow it or give it away to a salvage yard.
  4. We take care of the details - You don't have to wait all day for the tow truck.
  5. Save the costs of maintaining a car you don't use or the costs of selling a car.
  6. No Paperwork Hassle - Avoid confusing Department of Motor Vehicles paperwork or Smog hassles - Just submit your auto donation application and we will take care of everything else.
  7. Cars, Boats, Trucks, Vans, RVs, and Trailers are welcome!

Q: Will there be any cost to me?

A. No. You will not be burdened with any towing expense for the donation of your vehicle.

Q. Is my donation tax deductible?

A. Yes. Donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Individual tax situations vary so please check with a tax professional to determine what if any tax benefit you may receive.

Q. What are the IRS vehicle donation tax deduction guidelines?

A. The new IRS laws effective 01/01/2005 allows you, the taxpayer, to claim a tax deduction of:
(a) the value of your vehicle up to $500 or
(b) if we sell the vehicle for more than $500 we will mail you a completed IRS tax form 1098-C with that value for your tax purposes.

For additional information, the IRS provides a Donor's Guide to Car Donations which sets forth the manner in which the IRS requires you to determine the value of your donated property. For more details, please visit IRS website and review publication 4303 - A Donor's Guide to Car Donations & also consult with a tax advisor.

Q. What happens to my donated vehicle?

A. Your vehicle will be picked up and may be reconditioned and sold at auction to a private individual, a car dealer or a licensed vehicle recycler. Our vehicle donation service provider is a large, well known, fully registered, licensed and insured national service provider that meets all local, state and federal legal and environmental requirements.

Q. What can I donate?

A. Most vehicles and vessels including but not limited to cars, trucks, trailers, boats and RV's are acceptable.

Q. What do I need to donate my vehicle?

A. We would like the title to the vehicle, but if you do not have it please call us anyway. It is possible that other arrangements may be made. In that case please call us at 1-240-484-4300. If you do have the title please fill the donation form to schedule a pick up.

Q. My car has not run in years. Can I still donate it?

A. Yes. Most vehicles are acceptable, running or not (exceptions include older vehicles whose value would not offset the cost of towing). To find out if your vehicle is acceptable, please complete and submit our online donation form.

Q. Can you pick up vehicles in all 50 states?

A. Yes, we can arrange pick ups anywhere in the continental U.S. and Hawaii.

Q. How will the car be picked up?

A. We will arrange to have your vehicle towed away by a professionally licensed, bonded and insured towing company.

Q. How long will it take to pick up my car?

A. You will be contacted in 2 to 3 business days at the most. If you need your car picked up sooner or weekend, please let us know as we may be able to make those arrangements as well.

Q. How can I contact you to schedule a pick up?

A. Please complete and submit our online donation form or call us at 1-240-484-4300