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Dr. Farhat Nisar

Adjunct Faculty

Dr. Farhat Nisar is currently working as Tenured Associate Professor, COMSATS University, Islamabad. She is Ph.D. in Islamic Studies from National university of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan. Her area of specialization includes Islamic jurisprudence, spirituality emotional wellbeing, and socio-political thought in Islam.

She is teaching at university level since 2003. She has diverse experience of teaching, research and review articles, thesis and books. She has more than 20 research papers at national international journals of Islamic studies and social sciences. She is also a motivational and spiritual public speaker and delivered lectures in different seminars, conferences, workshops and trainings conducted for youth.

Dr. Farhat Nisar


  • National University of Modern Languages PhD in Islamic studies
  • University of Punjab MA Islamic studies
  • University of Punjab Bachelor’s in Arts
  • BISE Rawalpindi, Faculty in Arts
  • FBISE Matric




  • Ten years teaching experience as full time lecturer in national university of modern language. (Feb 2003 to Dec 2012)  
  • Currently teaching as a Asst. Professor in Comsats University, Islamabad since December of 2012


  • Nisar F, Hafiz, a (2021): Corona: a punishment, trial or message from Allah: an overview of teachings of Islam, vol 4, issue 1 ( January – March 2021 ), AL-Qamar, p21-37.
  • Nisar, F. Rashid, a (2020): religious education and community services: importance of Islamic studies education as a tool for social services and community welfare, vol 35, issue 1 (2020): Al tafseer. 42-54.
  • Nisar, F. Rashid, A (2020): religiosity for the promotion of behavior: role of Islamic worship in moral development of Muslim youth. vol 1, issue 2(2019), Al-milal: journal of religion and thought. p1-16
  • Nisar, F. Rashid, A (2019): role of Islamic system of education in moral behavior and spiritual identity of Muslims, vol 3, issue 1, rahat ul qulub. p,12-18.
  • Nisar. F (2018) women and feminism: a discourse analysis of contemporary theories and Islamic teachings. Alilm, vol 2, issue (1), December, 2018, 40-54.
  • Nisar, F. (2018) linguistic expressions of prophet Muhammad (saw) as a miracle in Arabic language: a study of linguistic miracles of prophet Muhammad (saw). al-basirah, 7(1). June, 2018, 1-14.
  • Faize. F. A, Hussain, W. & Nisar, f1 (2018) a critical review of scientific argumentation in science education. Eurasia j. math., sci tech. ED 2018; 14(1): 475–483.
  • Nisar, F. & Bukhari, A. G. S (2017) assessing and evaluating hadith: its value, significance, authority and authenticity in Islamic thought. journal of Islamic and religious studies. 2 (2) December, 2017, 61-72.
  • Nisar, F. (2017) role and responsibilities of youth in Islam. Al-basirah, 6(1). June, 2017, p:25-40.
  • A. G. S, Bukhari, & F, Nisar & (2017) reason and revelation: a comparative study of rational and traditional schools of thought. fwuj journal of social sciences, summer 2017, vol 11, no. 1, 1 78-188.
  • Nisar, F. & Faize, F. A. (2016). Reasoning in shariah: importance in interpretation and explanation of sources of Islamic law. research journal al basirah, 5 (2), 1-14. issn: 2222-4548.
  • Nisar, F & Rashid, A. (2016). Anger versus patience: psychological and Islamic perspective. the scholar – Islamic academic research journal. vol 2(2) December (2016), 24-39.
  • Nisar, F (2016). Love as a human emotion: its requirement and regulation in Islam. Al-qalam research journal, Punjab university. 21(s.1). April, 2016, 57-73.
  •  Nisar, F (2014). Prophet Muhammad (saw): a universal messenger of peace. Basirah, 3 (2), 1-14. Issn: 2222-4548. 
  • Nisar, F, Farwau, & Nadeem s. Spiritual impacts of Islamic beliefs. The government – annual research journal. vol, 4(4). 173-188.
  • Nisar, F & Rashid, a (2012). Ijtihad of prophet Muhammad (saw): bases and need. Basirah, 1 (1), 67-96. Issn: 2222-4548.