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Lead Professor for the MAEF Program

An alum of Western Sydney University (WSU), Dr. Abu Umar Faruq Ahmad is an international figure renowned within the world of Islamic Economics and Finance. His doctoral dissertation on ‘Law and Practice of Modern Islamic Finance in Australia’ was awarded ‘High Distinction’ by the WSU. Featured in the 2018 and 2019 ISLAMICA500 Global Leaders of the Islamic Economy, His expertise and research interests span the areas of Laws and Regulation of Islamic Finance, Sharī‘ah, Fiqh, and Usul al-Fiqh. The track record of Dr Ahmad’s accomplishments include Adjunct Professorship at Guidance College, Texas, USA; United International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh; Associate Professorships at King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, KSA; Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei; INCEIF University, and Senior Researchship at the International Sharī‘ah Research Academy for Islamic Finance, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Assistant Professorship at Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University, Dubai, UAE; Lectureship at International Islamic University Chittagong, Bangladesh; and Senior Lectureship at Amity College, Sydney, Australia. Besides publishing over 100 research articles in top tier journals, books, book chapters, case studies, research reports, and conference proceedings on multi-faceted areas of Islamic Economics and Finance Dr. Ahmad has presented nearly 100 research papers at international professional forums held in USA, Ireland, Australia, Brunei, Nigeria, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bahrain, UAE, Turkey, Malaysia, Qatar, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia. He has served as external examiner of international universities such as the La Trobe University, Victoria University, Western Sydney University, International Islamic University Malaysia, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali, University of Management and Technology, and Lahore College for Women University. Dr Ahmad is the founding editor of the International Journal of Excellence in Islamic Banking & Finance; and is on the editorial boards of ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance; International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management; International Journal of Islamic Thought; Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal; Journal of Critical Realism in Socio-Economics; International Journal of Islamic Business & Management; Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues; and International Journal of Islamic Economics and Governance to name a few.

Dr. Abu Umar Faruq Ahmad


  • PhD in Islamic Finance (with High Distinction), Western Sydney University, Sydney, Australia
  • Master of Laws (Honours)in Islamic Banking Law, Western Sydney University, Sydney, Australia
  • MA in Hadith Sciences, Islamic Arabic University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • Lisans (BA Hons.) in Sharī’ah, Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia
  • Certificate of Online Instruction, Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University, Dubai, UAE
  • Comprehension and ESL, NSW Institute of Teachers, Sydney, Australia


  • Associate Professor of Islamic Finance Law, Islamic Economics Institute, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, KSA
  • Associate Professor of Islamic Governance, Institute of Policy Studies, University Brunei Darussalam (UBD), Brunei
  • Associate Professor of Islamic Law of Transaction, School of Business and Economics, UBD, Brunei
  • Associate Professor of Islamic Finance, INCEIF University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Senior Researcher, International Sharī‘ah Research Academy for Islamic Finance, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Assistant Professor of Islamic Finance, Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University, Dubai, UAE
  • Senior Lecturer in Islamic Studies, Sule College, Sydney, Australia
  • Imam and Islamic Counselor, Bangladesh Islamic Centre of NSW Inc., Sydney, Australia
  • Chairman, Sharī’ah Supervisory Board of Islamic Cooperative Finance Australia Ltd., Sydney, Australia
  • Sharī‘ah Audit Executive, Islamic Bank of Australia Project, Sydney, Australia
  • Founder President, Australian Muslim Welfare Council Inc., Sydney, Australia
  • Executive Director, Islamic Social Welfare Council Chittagong, Bangladesh
  • Lecturer, Institute of Arabic Language, International Islamic University, Chittagong, Bangladesh
  • Interpreter, Bangladesh Military Contingent to Kuwait, Kuwait
  • Translator, Royal Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • Founding Editor, International Journal of Excellence in Islamic Banking and Finance
  • Editor in Chief, Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal
  • Managing Editor, Journal of Business Strategy, Finance and Management
  • Associate editor, ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance
  • Editor in Chief, Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal
  • Editor, International Journal of Islamic Thought
  • Editor, Journal of Management and Training for Industries
  • Editor, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences