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Adjunct Faculty

Dr. Khalid’s teaching experience include Islamic banking and finance, financial markets and institutions, corporate finance, financial risk management, and financial derivatives and Islamic.

Dr. Khalid has a PhD in Islamic Banking and Finance from International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan. In addition, Dr. Khalid earned two Master’s; one in Islamic Banking and Finance from Loughborough University, and a Master’s in Economics from the University of AJ&K in Pakistan.

When not teaching, Dr. Khalid is busy as the Chairman Board of Directors at ‘Dukhtaran-e-Islam Academy’ Murree, Pakistan. This institute is dedicated to providiing undergraduate level and Islamic education for young women from remote areas of Pakistan. Dr. Khalid also voluntarily works with ‘Al-Khidmat Foundation Pakistan’ a leading non-profit organization, fully dedicated to humanitarian services

Khalid Hussain


    • PhD Islamic Banking and Finance (2023)
      International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan
      Thesis titled “Impact of Basel III Regulations on the Performance and Risk-Taking Behavior of Conventional and Islamic Banks: International Empirical Evidence”

    • MS Islamic Banking and Finance (2003-2004)
      Loughborough University, UK
      Major subjects: Islamic Economics, Islamic Banking, Financial Markets and Institutions, Research Methodology, Quantitative methods

    • MSc Economics (1999-2001)
      University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir
      Major subjects: Econometrics, Micro Economics, Macro Economics, Development Economics and Islamic Finance.

    • Graduation (BA) (1994-1997)
      University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir
      Major subjects: Economics, English, Islamic studies

    • Higher Secondary School Certificate (Intermediate) (1991-1994)
      Rawalpindi Board of Education
      Major Subjects: English, Economics, Sociology

    • Secondary School Certificate (Matriculation) (1989-1991)
      Rawalpindi Board of Education
      Major Subjects: English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics.

    • Certificate in Islamic Banking and Finance (October 2023)
      State Bank of Pakistan, IBA-CEIF Karachi, and Meezan Bank ltd


  • Senior Assistant Professor, Bahria University Islamabad (July 2016 – Present)

  • Teaching Islamic Finance, Financial Markets and Institutions, Risk Management, Commercial Banking, Financial Management, Corporate Finance, and Financial Derivatives to graduate and undergraduate classes.

    Lecturer, Bahria University Islamabad (January 2012 – June 2016)

  • Taught Islamic Finance, Financial Markets and Institutions, Business Ethics, Investment Banking, and Management of Financial Institutions to graduate and undergraduate classes.

    Visiting Lecturer, Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad (September 2021 – Present)

  • Virtual visiting lecturer teaching Financial Risk Management, Corporate Finance, and Financial Derivatives to BS Economics classes via Teams or Zoom.

    Director College, Ghazali Education Trust (2007-2010)

  • Managed educational and administrative matters, curriculum development, and teacher training.

    Lecturer, International Islamic University Islamabad (January 2006 – December 2006)

  • Taught Research Methods, Islamic Economics, Islamic Banking, and Public Finance at graduate and undergraduate levels.

    School Principal, Rural Education and Development Foundation (1997-1999)

  • Principal at a school operated by READ.


  • Hussain, K., & Muhammad, M. (2022). Performance of Islamic and Conventional Banks: The Impact of Basel III. Journal of Islamic Business and Management, 12(1).

  • Sheikh, R., & Hussain, K. (2022). Role of Shariah Supervisory Boards (SSBs) in Islamic Financial Engineering: A Critical Review. Islamic Banking and Finance Review, 9(2), 42-62.

  • Ali et al; (2023). Performance Analysis of Islamic Banking in Pakistan Using DEA Technical Efficiency and Maqasid-e-Shariah Index. Journal of Islamic Business and Management, 13(1). https://doi.org/10.26501/jibm/2023.1301-004

  • Hussina et al; (2023). Does Political Instability Affect the Profitability of Cement Industry: An Empirical Evidence from Pakistan. KASBIT Business Journal, 16(4).

  • Saad-ur-Rehman, M., Kasheer, M., & Hussain, K. Antecedents and Outcomes of Customer-Brand Identification: A Case of Pakistan Super League. Advances in Business and Commerce. 1(2).

  • Tanveer Taj, Ammara Mujtaba, & Khalid Hussain. (2023). Assessing the Interconnection of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Scores with the Financial Performance of Banks in Pakistan: Examining the Potential Mediating Influence of Innovation. Journal of Business and Management Research, 2(2). https://jbmr.com.pk/index.php/Journal/article/view/92

  • Macroeconomic Conditions as Determinant of Profitability and Risk: A Comparison of Islamic and Conventional Banks in Pakistan (Accepted for publication in IBFR for December 2023)

  • Basel III and risk of Islamic and Conventional banks. (Under review for publication)