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Chief Academic Administrator
Operations Manager

Dr. Louay Abdulbaki is an academic leader and a prolific author in the fields of Islamic thought, leadership, and Islamic education. He currently serves as the Chief Academic Administrator and Operations Manager at Guidance College. With a PhD in Islamic Studies, Dr. Abdulbaki has authored over 40 books and scholarly articles addressing a wide range of topics including Islamic education, Arabic studies, Islamic political thought, leadership, and parenting. As the Director of Wisdom Consulting and Training, he brings over three decades of expertise in Islamic education consultation, teaching, and research. His previous roles include Imam, director of various institutions, research fellow at Melbourne University and the University of Western Australia, and Head of Islamic Studies and Arabic at several Islamic schools. Dr. Abdulbaki has also developed comprehensive curricula and authored k-12 Islamic and Arabic textbook series for several Islamic schools.

Dr Abdulbaki is a co-founder and founder of multiple organizations and a member of the Australian Fatwa Council, the Australian National Imams Council (ANIC), and the League of the Syrian Ulama (scholars).


Dr. Louay Abdulbaki


  • PhD in Islamic Studies- University of Melbourne 
  • Postgraduate Diploma (Islamic Studies)- University of Melbourne
  • Bachelor of Arts, Political Science- Victoria University
  • Islamic Studies and Da’wa – Islamic Dawah College, Damascus, Syria


  • Director and Principal Lecturer- Wisdom Centre, Wisdom Consulting and Training, Campbelltown, NSW
  • Director Islamic Studies and Arabic Language- Unity Grammar College, Austral, NSW
  • Imam and Islamic Studies Coordinator- Al Faisal College, Campbelltown, NSW
  • Visiting Research Fellow- Centre of Muslim States and Societies, University of Western Australia, Perth
  • Imam and Islamic Studies Coordinator- Australian International Academy, Melbourne, Australia
  • Researcher- University of Melbourne, Australia
  • Co-Founder/Principal -Maarefa School, Melbourne, Australia
  • Arabic and Islamic Studies Instructor -Preston Mosque Saturday School. Melbourne, Australia


  • Member of the Australian Fatwa Council
  • The League of the Syrian Ulama (Islamic Scholars) 
  • ANIC (Australian National Imams Council) 
  • League of Al-Shaam (Levant) Intellectuals/Literates 
  • NSW Institute of Teachers


  • Governance and Measurement in Leadership Training Programs (in Arabic:الحوكمة والقياس في منهجيات التدريب القيادي). The Third Conference on Pioneering of the Leadership Qualification: Towards Complementary Approach for Growing Community. April 2024.
  • Teaching Arabic in Australian Islamic schools, presented at the Second International Congress on Foreign Language Teaching and New Approaches, Istanbul University September 19-20, 2022
  • Islamic Perspectives on Organ donation’,12th Congress of the International Society for Organ Donation and Procurement, Sydney
  • The concept of Authority in Islam’, Centre for the Study of Contemporary Muslim Societies, the University of Western Sydney
  • ‘Shari’ah: Islamic Law and the Worldview,’ Imams, Academics and Muslim Youths Conference organized by the National Centre of Excellence for Islamic Studies in collaboration with the Centre for the Study of Contemporary Muslim Societies at the University of Western Sydney
  • Caliphate: Islamic State and Politics of Government’, “Imams, Academics and Muslim Youths” organized by the National Centre of Excellence for Islamic Studies in collaboration with the Centre for the Study of Contemporary Muslim Societies at the University of Western Sydney,
  • Values Education in Australian Muslim Schools,’ Summer Extension Program, University of Western Australia,
  • Structural Scaffolding for Building Islamic Democracy, Islamic Culture(s), Nation-building and the Media: Contemporary Issues,” organized by Monash Asia Institute, Monash University, Melbourne


  • Raising Children in an Era of Cultural Chaos: A Practical Guide for Muslim Parents, Wisdom Consulting and Training, Sydney: 2023.
  • Al-Hikmah Curriculum for Excellence in Islamic Education: A Framework for Schools-Based Islamic Education Curricula, Wisdom Consulting and Training, Sydney: 2022.
  • Al-Hikmah Islamic Studies Series: A Comprehensive Islamic Education Curriculum (18 books), Wisdom Consulting and Training, Sydney, 2020‑2021. 
  • Effective Islamic Parenting for the 21st Century: A Step-by-Step Guide to Raising Responsible, Balanced and Successful Children, Wisdom Consulting and Training, Sydney: 2021. 
  • AIC Islamic Education and Arabic Language (10 books), Australian Islamic College, Perth, 2021. 
  • Islamic Political Thought: Foundation and Development (Arabic title: Al-Fikr Al-Siyasi Al-Islami: An-Nash’ah wat-Tatawour), Wisdom Consulting and Training, Sydney: 2020. 
  • Rissalah Islamic Education (15 books), Rissalah College, Sydney, 2019-2021. 
  • The ‘Liberal Islam Network,’ in Indonesia: Islamists, Shiites, and Sufis (in Arabic), Dubai: Al-Mesbar Studies & Research Centre, 2013, pp. 91—119.  
  • Democratisation and Islamic Political Activism in Muslim Countries: Egypt and Indonesia, Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag, 2010. 
  • ‘Democratisation in Indonesia: From Transition to Consolidation,’ Asian Journal of Political Science, Vol. 16, No. 2, 2008, pp. 151–172. 
  • ‘Democracy and the Re-consolidation of Authoritarian Rule in Egypt,’ Contemporary Arab Affairs, Vol. 1, No. 3, 2008, pp. 445–463. 
  • The Roots of Islamic Political Thought and the Stages of Its Development (Arabic: Juzur AL-Fikr Ass-syaasi Al-Islami wa Maraahilu Tatawurihi), Beirut: Dar Wahyul-Kalam, 2004. 
  • Muslim Girls Islamic Studies (3 books), Muslim Girls Grammar School, Sydney, 2021. 
  • Muslim Girls Arabic Language (5 books), Muslim Girls Grammar School, Sydney, 2020. 
  • Unity Grammar Islamic Studies (12 books), UGC, Sydney, 2018. 
  • Al-Hikmah Islamic Studies Series: A Comprehensive Islamic Education Curriculum (18 books), Wisdom Consulting and Training, Sydney, 2020‑2021. 
  • Effective Islamic Parenting for the 21st Century: A Step-by-Step Guide to Raising Responsible, Balanced and Successful Children, Wisdom Consulting and Training, Sydney: 2021. 
  • AIC Islamic Education and Arabic Language (10 books), Australian Islamic College, Perth, 2021. 
  • Islamic Political Thought: Foundation and Development (Arabic title: Al-Fikr Al-Siyasi Al-Islami: An-Nash’ah wat-Tatawour), Wisdom Consulting and Training, Sydney: 2020. 
  • Rissalah Islamic Education (15 books), Rissalah College, Sydney, 2019-2021. 
  • The ‘Liberal Islam Network,’ in Indonesia: Islamists, Shiites, and Sufis (in Arabic), Dubai: Al-Mesbar Studies & Research Centre, 2013, pp. 91—119.  
  • Democratisation and Islamic Political Activism in Muslim Countries: Egypt and Indonesia, Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag, 2010. 
  • ‘Democratisation in Indonesia: From Transition to Consolidation,’ Asian Journal of Political Science, Vol. 16, No. 2, 2008, pp. 151–172. 
  • ‘Democracy and the Re-consolidation of Authoritarian Rule in Egypt,’ Contemporary Arab Affairs, Vol. 1, No. 3, 2008, pp. 445–463. 
  • The Roots of Islamic Political Thought and the Stages of Its Development (Arabic: Juzur AL-Fikr Ass-syaasi Al-Islami wa Maraahilu Tatawurihi), Beirut: Dar Wahyul-Kalam, 2004. 
  • Muslim Girls Islamic Studies (3 books), Muslim Girls Grammar School, Sydney, 2021. 
  • Muslim Girls Arabic Language (5 books), Muslim Girls Grammar School, Sydney, 2020. 
  • Unity Grammar Islamic Studies (12 books), UGC, Sydney, 2018. 
  • Muslims in the West: The Challenges of Integration and Identity  al-Alamiyah
  • The Fiqh of Necessities and the Legality of Emergency Las, Raabitat Udabaa’ ashShaam, London, UK
  • The State of Justice and Law, Annidaa
  • Reflections on the Project of Arab Revivalism, Niroon News
  • The Prospects of Democracy with the Banning of Islamic Parties in Egypt (Arabic), Raabitat Udaba ash-Shaam, London, UK
  • The Concept of freedom in Islam, Udabaa’ ash-Shaam, London, UK
  • The Principles of Good Governance in Islam: Bases and Pillars for the Construction of Contemporary Islamic Democracy (Arabic), Raabitat Udabaa’ ash-Shaam, London, UK
  • Critical Reading on Modern Concepts in Contemporary Arabic Discourse (Arabic), alWarshah
  • The Socio-Political Thought of ibn Khaldun (Arabic) Raabitat Udabaa’ ash-Shaam, London, UK