Course Description:
This course focuses Muslim family law. Student learn the basic concepts of the Islamic Inheritance Law, principal elements of asset distribution and the key features of an Islamic will. The technical aspects of writing a will, maintaining proper documentation, and executing the last will and testament of an individual will be covered. The significance and wisdom underpinning the Islamic distribution of inheritance will be discussed together with several relevant case studies that require application of basic formulas for asset division among the legal inheritors.
Course Code: FIQ332
Credit hours: 3
Pre-Requisites: 12 credit hours of FIQH courses
Learning Objectives:
- Write an essay, citing proof from the Quran, on the definition and rulings of inheritance according to Islamic law, defining the primary heirs and their shares, secondary heirs and their criteria of inheritance, inheritance of other relatives.
- Present with a case study and present the correct share distribution, and other scenarios and technical difficulties of calculating inheritance
- Form and prepare one’s last will and testament
- Appreciate and verbalize the the fairness and wisdom of the Islamic inheritance law
- State the differences between the Islamic law of inheritance with the applicable laws in the United States.
Course Outline:
- Ruling on Inheritance
- Background & Definitions
- Primary Heirs and Their Shares
- Secondary Heirs and Criteria of Inheriting
- Inheritance of Other Relatives
- Other Scenarios and Technical Details of Calculating Inheritance
- Share Distribution &Examples
- Rules of the Islamic Bequest