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Course Description

The Master in Islamic Education Internship is designed to provide students with practical employment experience while earning College credit. The internship provides an opportunity for students to apply classroom learning to the workplace. Internships not only help students to discover their major field of interest, but also clarify the specific area of teaching in which they would like to be employed as a teacher/instructor after graduation.

Students will be required to journal daily, submit a research paper at the end of the semester and submit daily lesson plans.

Course Code: MAIE720

Credit hours: 3

Pre-Requisites: Completion of 75% of the MAIE Program and written approval by the Chief Academic Administrator.

Registering for this course requires pre-semester planning. Prior to registering the following form is REQUIRED.


Arranging an Internship

Responsibility for arranging an internship ultimately rests with the student. Students are responsible for ensuring that the Internship supervisor is familiar with all course documentation.  The Professor of Record may be able to assist with suggestions for places where the student can intern. Students are responsible for completing course documentation (Contract, Internship Supervisor Assessment, and Weekly Journal). The students and internship supervisor must sign an Internship Contract prior to beginning the internship teaching experience. Students can contact Guidance College Student Services with assistance in arranging an Internship. 

Academic Credit

An internship receiving three hours of academic credit is comprised of a minimum of 400 hours work agreement which equals 10-weeks at 40 hours. Internships with lower hour commitments receive a pro rate share of academic credit (e.g., 320 hours of work would translate to two hours of academic credit). Students cannot receive academic credit for previous field experience. 

Internships are required to give students new educational experiences that will draw on previous course instruction and also benefit them after graduation.  Following the completion of the MAIE720 Internship, students must give an oral presentation on their internship experience following guidelines noted below.

Oral Presentation

All students receiving credit for the Internship are expected to present an oral presentation.

Students completing the MAIE720 Internships will be given their oral presentation assignment requirements during the initial meeting of the class. The primary purpose of the oral presentations is to provide an overview of the subjects and teaching methods used during the Internship.
Presentations are expected to be made in a professional manner.

  1. Presentations are to be 10-15 minutes in length and followed by a question and answer period.
  2. Try to make the presentation interesting! Avoid simply listing the activities you conducted during your internship. Focus on some experiences and issues you think other students might find interesting.
  3. Some form of visual aid should be used in the presentation, preferably Power Point.
  4. Dress appropriately for your presentation.

The oral presentation can follow the general structure of the Internship report.  At least half of the presentation should focus on classes that were taught during the Internship.  

School / Organization Responsibility

The student is responsible to communicate the College’s expectations. This responsibility represents an additional time and effort commitment that may not be present in a normal employment situation. If the school / organization and intern’s immediate supervisor are willing to make this commitment, the internship has an excellent chance for success.

Responsibility and understanding are evidenced the signed Internship contract and completing the Intern Assessment at the conclusion of the internship. 

The professor of record may choose to communicate with the Internship Supervisor to check on the student’s progress.

Class Meeting and Attendance:

Students will meet bi-weekly with the Professor to discuss their progress and any concerns they may have.

Course Content:

Guidelines and policies for the MAIE720 will be discussed by the faculty member in the first class to clear any challenges or difficulties students might have to accomplish all the tasks to earn their full credit. This class provides a forum for students to complete their final internship requirement—an oral presentation of their internship experience.


  1. Presentations are expected to be made in a professional manner.
  2. Presentations are to be 10-15 minutes in length and followed by a question and answer period.
  3. Try to make the presentation interesting! Avoid simply listing the activities you conducted during your internship. Focus on some experiences and issues you think other students might find interesting.
  4. Some form of visual aid should be used in the presentation, preferably Power Point.
  5. Dress appropriately for your presentation.