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 A Word from Guidance College Board of Trustees

   The unique and in depth Master Programs of Guidance College are the first academic degrees offered by any Islamic education institute in the USA.   Given the times and much misunderstanding about Islam in the US, perhaps the time to launch them is opportune.

   In regards to Islamic Economics & Finance, a lot of clarification and understanding was needed. After the storm of the Global Financial Crisis had relatively subsided, many prestigious financial institutes looked for viable alternatives to the conventional methods that have in part lead to a financial crisis. Many have naturally found their way to Islamic Finance as an attractive and practical option. We feel that the program institutionalizes the discipline of Islamic Finance and provide financial institutes a source of talented individuals in their quest to produce more practical and viable Islamic Finance products.

   Traditional banks started to offer sharia-compliant products around 1970s. Sharia-compliant products have grown into a global industry, with total assets of around $2 trillion, most of these products are entrusted either to Islamic banks or to the Islamic units of conventional banks. Sharia-compliant products takes the form of sukuk, Islam’s answer to bonds; Islamic investment funds and takaful, the Islamic version of insurance. Islamic banking assets grew at an annual rate of 17.6% between 2009 and 2013, and will grow by an average of 19.7% a year to 2018 which means job opportunity for our graduate students.

   As for the Islamic Education program, it is obvious that there is a severe shortcomings in providing qualified and certified Quran, Arabic language, and Islamic Studies teachers for Islamic schools in the US. Most of these schools require college degrees to teach different disciplines. They even demand teacher certification. Unfortunately, it is not the case at all when it comes to teaching Islamic Studies.

   All those responsible for the programs have been very enthusiastic about their future success since it has been a mere idea in mind until it has become a tangible reality. This enthusiasm was accompanied by well-considered deliberation in order for these newly born programs of Guidance College to become distinct and noticeable amongst other institutes. Our aim is to show the practicality and applicability of Islam as a comprehensive way of life.

   No doubt that success of these programs hinges on the quality of their components, namely teaching staffs, textbooks, students and appropriate educational communication and environment. Guidance College has taken all this into consideration when preparing and then launching these programs.

   Importance of these programs is multi-faceted. First, the academic experience of Guidance College Professors. The University takes pride in its initiative role in the fields of Islamic Finance and Islamic Education.

   Second, these programs are designed to consolidate the relationship between theory, application, and practice to rationalize merging practices with ethical values, which is the minaret of Islam.

   And third, the selected students will have an important role in making these Programs distinctive, as they are individuals with past experience in the field of Education or Finance. They are expected to enrich the programs through study, discussion groups, workshops and field visits.

   Each program is an Academic and Professional degree at the same time. The programs have strong theoretical underpinnings; their primary purpose is to offer knowledge for application in professional practice. They focus on the principles of the field of Islamic Finance and Islamic Education. They are designed to provide graduates with in-depth exposure to their field. They equip graduates with analytical methods which can serve as a research tool. They also provide an introduction to research and advanced study at the doctoral level.

   Alhamdu Lillah, Guidance College Master programs’ Faculty in Islamic Finance & Islamic Education is made up of industry experts and highly experienced academicians. They provide a nationwide class approach to Islamic Finance & Islamic Education.


Admission Requirements

  • Must possess Bachelor degree.  However, undergraduate students could be admitted, but can not graduate from the MA program without holding Bachelor degree.
  • Proficiency in spoken and written English.
  • A detailed CV (Resume)
  • A one page letter explaining the nature of the applicant’s work and previous study.
  • Evaluation of Admission Executive Committee.


Benefit of on-campus Study

  • Network with Industry Experts.
  • Personalized attention.
  • Personal contact with faculty members.
  • Live Classroom discussions.

Intakes are throughout the whole year

Duration of the Study

  • Full time = 2 years
  • Part time = 4 years

Cost of the Program

  • $125 per credit hour, for students in the US.