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Course Description:

Practical implementation of completed course work through hands-on experience in various aspects of Islamic religious ministry. Course assessment includes documented standards of performance, accountability, and ministry reporting required for successful engagement. This course is open to senior students nearing baccalaureate degree completion needing nine credits or less to graduate.

Course Code: PRA404

Credit hours: 3

Pre-Requisites: Completion of degree credit hour requirements with 9 credit hours remaining by a documented degree plan

Acceptable Graduation Project Proposals and Learning Outcomes:

The student who engages in this Islamic religious ministry practicum will gain significant ministry experience in line with completed course work. The Field Supervisor and the student will work together to achieve ministry goals and content acceptable with the professor. The Field Supervisor is the mentor for this course. Final course credit requires that the student engage in one of these opportunities and complete all course assignments.

  • Delivering academic lectures to K-12 students
  • Presenting Islamic lessons during Friday Prayers
  • Conducting marriage instruction for engaged couples
  • Participation in an Islamic NGO Project
  • Providing Dawah and comfort to people in a hospital, hospice, homeless shelter, incarceration facility, charitable setting


  1. Reading Assignments: It is imperative that you read all assigned material. The student will be responsible for the reading assignments as a part of the final grade. Practicum mentors may suggest additional reading materials at their discretion and with the professor’s approval.
  2. Writing Assignments: The student will write a weekly journal based on weekly ministry activities using the prescribed course journal form.
  3. Assessment: The Field Supervisor will submit a completed course evaluation form to the Professor of the course. Guidelines will be given to assist the student and Field Supervisor in preparing the evaluation. Field supervisors may submit evaluation changes and additions germane to the student’s ministry assignment(s).